Best jobs to have while training and competing?

I know this post is a while back but I'm in a similar situation as u where I may drop out of community college and really focus on training to compete. But at the same time I'm working part time and wishing to get into the career of hospitality working in a hotel. While I understand that u may not be interested in college at all, I'd probably encourage you to still keep it as an option for the future if u really decide to drop. Im in community college for like 4-5 years and haven't even fulfilled my original major in kinesiology as I was very behind on class and credits. There are classes that I know for sure I will suck so badly, I ended up just giving up and took random classes just to show my parents I'm in school still becoming all talk to them. Until I worked part time at a front desk and then at a local mall store, it actually sparked a new passion in me in enjoying with interacting with people. So, I decided in switching majors from kinesiology to hospitality for my long term career. While I am also kinda possibly dropping, another part of me is feeling like I will regret it so I'm having second thoughts about school. Maybe look for another opportunity that will help me give myself a bonus once I start working in the hotel. As for fighting I for sure want to take time to train for competing and I'm doing what I can to balance time for working towards my career and training. So, again maybe still keep school as a backup option incase boxing doesn't work. As for working while training, working at a convenience store or as a sales associate at a clothing store would be good.

/r/amateur_boxing Thread