The Best Lifestyle Might be the Cheapest Too. Scott Adams Blog: "If you were to build a city from scratch, using current technology, what would it cost to live there? I think it would be nearly free if you did it right."

People love new things. Why do you think people will line up every year for the new iPhone or call of duty?

I'm rapidly losing both interest and will in responding to all of the comments in here. I can't let this part go though:

People love new things. Why do you think people will line up every year for the new iPhone or call of duty?

This proves my point. Those things aren't 'new.' They are unchallenging iterations on a familiar theme. The first mobile phone was new and it took a while for it to be adopted and when it came out there were a lot of people who said it would never catch on, never be popular, never replace the simple pager, etc. Adding another camera to a smartphone with a camera already in it is not 'new.' It merely reinforces comfort with the present.

From the article - it's so easy to object that he didn't provide this or that. He didn't do a real economic study, he didn't take into account this or that important detail. If your only intention is to point out what he did wrong or why we should never change, you have the easier time of it.

From his article I took several good things though. Communal living is probably a good idea. People would be healthier and happier surrounded by neighbors they know and trust. Locally sourced goods are better in many respects than outside goods. The savings of corn grown by a huge agribusiness are lost when that corn is packaged with preservatives for the environmentally expensive cross-country or around-the-world trip to the person who eats it. It's just done that way today because the grower doesn't shoulder the cost and the middleman gets to make some money on the job.

Finally, don't put words in my mouth. Arguing with a strawman is easy and might feel rewarding in the short-term but it accomplishes nothing. Your blue alien has nothing to do with what I said or what I believe.

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