The best medicine

Same. I really like Tom, but I can’t stand Bert. His humor is very frat boy college freshman to me, which for a man in his 40s just doesn’t have the charm that it once did. I also really have an issue with the way he jokes about his issues without really trying to do anything to change them. Abstaining from alcohol for a month to then binge is insanely unhealthy yet he talks about it like it’s some new diet he’s trying. I really feel for Leann. Yeah he seems funny and young, but I don’t know how she basically single handedly runs that family. She’s said that Bert doesn’t do homework or cook, he sort of just hangs out with the kids then jets off to another city to tell the already hashed out “Machine” story. Every time I see her she looks so tired and exasperated. Resining two kids is hard enough. Raising three when one of them is a grown man and alcoholic sounds like a nightmare. I don’t know. I just don’t get Bert’s allure. It’s like listening to a child on NyQuil talk.

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