Best online course for R/STATA/SAS?

For R, anything by Hadley Wickham is a great way to get introduced to the language. Check this one out:

For SAS, check out the online trainings that they offer. There are a few free ones to get you oriented which would be really helpful prior to going into a biostats course.

Also worth noting are SAS white papers and user groups. If you live near a large city, they probably have a SAS user group that meets at least quarterly to present technical papers (white papers) that are later published online. What's nice about these is that they're created as tutorials for an audience that may be new to the topic so they can be easier to digest. Here's one that popped up by searching "learn sas pdf":

But you can find stuff on text parsing, structural equations, geospatial analysis-- really anything that someone has thought to share at a user group.

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