Best place to buy cigarillos?

Tabacco plants don't range in quality its a plant, what's put in a cigarette, cigar, cigarillos can.

Are you implying that plants do not range in quality? For instance, all tomatoes are of exactly the same quality? You know that's fucking retarded, right? Also, here's a scientific study on tobacco that says you're flat out wrong:

But as with cigarettes, cigarillos are all much of a muchness.


No your not right your just arrogant.

You're*. Also, I've not only worked in the tobacco industry, I've spent time in Greensboro North Carolina at their tobacco plant (Imperial Tobacco), and I can straight up tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about. For instance, did you know there's of 20 different varietals of tobacco? Take a gander:

Are you still asserting that all tobacco is of the same quality? That would be a silly assertion, considering there are botany specialists, both in transgenic and hybridization, that specifically breed (and insert) better genes into their plants to yield better tobacco. But you have no idea what any of this means.

Your talking about cigarillos like they are cigars.

'A cigarillo is by definition is just a miniature cigar. Virtually impossible to roll, even by the smallest of hands, machines always make these cigars. Even those in the premium category.'

I am enjoying winding you up though it's funny.

I'm getting paid to make fun of you while drinking a beer.

Enjoy road raging your way home from work.

I walk home through two parks, don't even really know what that is tbh.

Do you have high blood pressure? LOL


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