Best place to move to if shit hits the fan in US ?

I replied separately about the feasibility of moving to Canada or any other peaceful and highly-developed country; the short version is, not gonna happen just like that.

But more broadly, I think you're taking a very myopic view of what the US even is. We're an extremely vast and very sparsely populated country. We have some very densely populated urban centers that are also the usual hotspots for unrest, but for every city like LA, there are untold swatches of rural land that are a completely different universe that really doesn't concern itself with urban politics, class dynamics, etc. So you can quite easily get away from the ruckus without crossing any international borders - or, in all likelihood, without even crossing state boundaries (maybe unless you're in the Northeast).

So basically, my advice would be to do that - saves you the hurdles of navigating restrictive immigration systems, doesn't rob you of the government-provided safety net (whereas as an immigrant to Canada, you probably won't be eligible for most benefits), etc.

Also, "I'm moving to Canada" is such a tired election cliche...

/r/preppers Thread