The best way to not get to FI

Are you not following what I'm saying though? Paying her a stipend in no way relieves him of his obligation to pay the 50% upon divorce. So not only will she STILL get that money in the end when it's an even larger amount, but she will get the stipend in addition to it. That's got to be the worst plan I've ever heard of, it's hard to believe someone would do that. His plan is to have his wife bleed him of cash for what... 10 years? 20 years? And then when his networth has increase 10x... 20x... she divorces him? That's his plan rather than just divorce now? Sorry, but either your friend is a moron, or you're fabricating this story.

And what does this have to do with you or FI? You aren't him, his wife isn't your partner, you probably don't share anywhere near the same income. Honestly, this seems more focused on trust issues and would be better suited for /r/relationships

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