I bet he effing didn't.


Does more than just drive a bus.

Richard when confronted by a £10 note refuses to sell a ticket to a would be passenger who in a fit of emotion responds by calling Richard a fucking cunt. The would be passenger reacted this way after suffering a night of insomnia and now having to contemplate arriving to work late and having to hire a taxi on a Sunday during a bank holiday weekend to get there.

Richard on a second encounter man handles would be passenger off the bus and threatens to throw the would be passenger through a shop window.

Richard during a third encounter demands the would be passenger to get off "his" bus to which the would be passenger responded by apologising for hash language previously used followed up with a defiant refusal to get off. Richard during this encounter threatened to phone the police on the would be passenger in the same manner the would be passenger had filed a complaint against him.

As it later transpired the would be passenger had learnt that Richard in his defence swore that he refused to sell the would be passenger a ticket because he was presented with a £50 note. Something later disproven by onboard CCTV.

Richard is a cunt. Don't be like Richard.

/r/CasualUK Thread Link - i.redd.it