Beta Bartering [Find or Offer Fic Betaing] - April 01

Hello, you have my attention. I can help you with ideas, as well as proofreading your work. I'm also looking for a long-term beta that could help me with my fic. English isn't my first language. My level is good, but I still struggle with dialogues (idioms and similes are my weakness), and I need a native speaker.

Title - The Golden Boy of Sargasso

Fandom - Star Fox (Fandom friendly! It's an AU where I turn the main protagonist of the game into the villain, and the games' lore isn't rich, so you'll be fine.)

Genre - Sci-Fi/Drama (Rating T)

Links - (This isn 80% of the first chapter)

Projected work count - 80k/100k

Update frequency - I update every other week at best


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