Beth (to Jerry): Do you want homeless people to have homes?

Only he was going to handle the situation diplomatically before Rick and Morty showed up, that was his whole reason for going to the Amazon. So I don’t really see how that’s been being egotistical.

Your whole second paragraph reads like a r/iamverysmart literary interpretation of that scene. Yeah it could be true but it could easily also be POTUS is the most powerful man alive with the most powerful military behind him and that’s what they can do when preparing for a Rick level threat.

And I disagree that fly fishing Rick seemed stupider. He literally entered the room in a portal.

And the Steve bannon caricature is damning, I’ll give you that but at best it’s a joke about the current administration and not the obvious he’s supposed to be Trump that you think it is. If anything the POTUS was a amalgam of the two very heavy on the Obama side.

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