Bethesda is a retarded company

That sounds like your hardware and your judgment skills need kind of an upgrade. How dare you, to update a game, right? How come they update games, that’s inappropriate. Imagine releasing a game and bringing updates, insane.

If you don’t like it, why play it, and why don’t code it yourself if it was done by 5th graders. The games 10 years old, I never played it before and from what I’ve installed so far, which is an ENB and some textures, the game itself, the storyline and the amount of stuff you can is unbelievable.

Games nowadays got less content, run crappy, are super expensive and you play it for a few (hundred) hours and you’re done. Not the case with Skyrim.

It seems like you’re looking for someone blame, when it’s just your hardware not being able to run a 10 year old game on a regular 60FPS engine hahaha.

I play on ULTRA, with ENB, 2k + 4K Textures on 120FPS and it runs smooth. Even with (texture) mods. So what I’m hearing is: „even if the game is 10 year old, they bring updates and I’m not capable of updating my mods, since it’s too much work. Imagine having to research something when you want it, god forbid… and then my hardware can’t run this 10 year old 60FPS game and now the company is „retarded“.

Of course, that's also a way of compensating for your inability by blaming everything on others. Mentally, very stable!

/r/skyrimmods Thread