Bethesda's Plan B for the Paid Mods

Okay, lot of stuff in there.

I'm just a gamer and not sufficiently savvy to the open-source world and how appropriate it is, or is not, to relate its mechanisations to that of traditional for-profit software businesses, such as the selling of games and DLC. Given my ignorance here, I will have to get all Socrates on this shit and start asking questions.

Has Microsoft ever contributed anything to Linux that had the potential to cost them sales or diminish their OS relative to Linux distros?

Does anyone contribute to Linux anything that gives their immediate commercial rivals a new tool to outperform them in the marketplace?

If mods are to be bought and sold, we are not in the realm of FLOSS, but in the realm of traditional commercial software licensing. It seems reasonable to say that the qualities of this realm will apply to a marketplace of paid game modifications in the same way they would apply to game development itself.

In the realm of commercial software such as video games, are patents ever used? Have any software companies ever been brought to court with regard to patents? Could we safely say that protecting proprietary code has been a thing?

Let's say Bob and I get into the paid mod game to make some money. It turns out Bob and I are both working on lighting overhauls that we intend to sell. Suddenly, we are rivals. Some in this position may end up collaborating, some would not. Let's imagine Bob and I do not agree on a few things and will not collaborate.

Since I am in this game to make money I want my mod to outperform his. I will need an advantage. There are several things that could accomplish this. One of these is a having a better understanding of the game engine than my competition. If I make a startling breakthrough with the engine and am able to deliver the most awesome godrays anyone has ever seen anywhere, do I hand this knowledge over to my commercial rival?

What am I missing that the above somehow is not true of commercial businesses and could not apply to rival mod makers each looking to outsell the other?

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