Beto O'Rourke calls for Donald Trump's resignation

Ok. I'll try here with this but then I'm done.

At its foundation it's a silly argument. Because the starting premise of Armed Citizen Resistance and Domestic Guerilla Insurgencies in the USA ignores most of the key factors. The USA isn't just the most powerful military in the world, bigger than the next 5 militaries combined, it's also the largest economic power. California alone is the world's 5th largest economy. We also operated under treaties and pacts and with a careful eye to public voter sentiment and global reputation in all of our past wars. The US dollar is also a Global Fiat Currency purely because of its reliable stability.

What this all means:

If the US government went rogue and decided to do home style Red Dawn on its populace, it would be an apocalypse. Soldiers pointing guns at their cousins and grocery stores closed and electric grids down. Army Corp of Engineer dams failing and flooding major metropolitan areas. Nuclear Power Plants under serious threat. Mass starvation. No travel. Global Stock Market collapse. Harbors full of rotting goods. The dollar becoming immediately worthless everywhere on earth., Loss of all government revenue. Global economic catastrophe. Hiding in the dark debating about eating our dead. THE END.

So because of all this, what you're saying is effectively this:

"I'm too busy obsessing over apocalyptic collapse, war and starvation and violence and death on a global scale, possibly, in the future. This alone prevents me from participating in a good faith peaceful compromise with my neighbors today."

The best argument against AR bans is that other new regulations would be far more effective. But that needs to be your argument.

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