Betrayed by My Own Breast.

You're welcome.

You may find it comforting to know more about your options and the logic behind all this. There's not a perfect process for any test. One has to weigh the risk of a false positive against the risk of a false negative. The medical community as a whole has decided that the current line of tests, which have a very high false positive rate, are better than missing a cancer case.

Overtreatment has its own risks, which you will be more able to weigh if you are calm. Many breast health professionals take their work very personally because they don't want to lose a patient. That being said, the balance between false positive and false negative varies between doctor to doctor. You have every right in the world to refuse any treatment offered, ask about a treatment not offered, or take time to think about what you want to do. The doctor may pressure you, and they shouldn't, but sometimes they freak out because they're scared too.

If the lump is benign but the doctor wants to take it out just in case, you can question that. If the doctor is 80% sure it's fine and doesn't want to mess with it, you can question that too. Don't lose sight of the fact that these are your boobs and you can do what you like with them. There's a lot of controversy with the finer points of treatment because medicine is much an art as a science. You have every right to insist on a second opinion if you want, in the event that you question the diagnosis and treatment plan at all. It's actually an ethical violation for your doctor to refuse that. Please keep that in mind, because sometimes doctors can get pretty darn pushy.

Best of luck. Feel free to come back with questions.

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