Betsy: “Perkz isn’t the best in the west. I think Nukeduck is better.”

How do you conclude that I think they are far more skilled than EU mids? I think some NA midlaners are ahead of Nukeduck for sure, and currently some EU midlaners are aswell. And because I say he could be the best in EU is because those are the guys he is competing with atm, and by that he can prove himself to be the best this split and the next split. To prove himself as the best mid in the West it would require him to qualify to international tournaments. You can't call him better than midlaners like Bjergsen, Jensen, Pobelter when they have been to worlds several times and played finals in their region. The same goes for Perkz right now, he has proven way more than Nukeduck so I wouldn't put him as the best in EU either. Let's see after this split.

I'm not trying to shit on Nukeduck, I just think it is really crazy to call him the best in the west after 3 games in the season, and after years where he haven't achieved anything.

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