Better Call Saul S02E08 "Fifi" POST-Episode Discussion Thread

Gus could/should easily have a courier (e.g. Tyrus) who catches wind of the hyper-badass senior citizen trying to take on half the whole damn cartel. The enemy of the enemy is your friend. It would be perfectly natural, and you could argue necessary if Gus is as thorough/vigilant as he's made to seem, with Hector being his sworn enemy. It almost makes less sense if he doesn't look deep into Mike and contact him soon (if only to find out what he knows or met with him about), since we know he does at some point. So they are trying to stretch it out, and they usually do a good job, but it's still stretched out. Is Gus still in Chile? That's actually the only reason this wouldn't inevitably happen; it's quite the contrary to being unnatural or too soon.

I hear people say BB was slow a lot, but I'm just not seeing it. Almost every moment was tense given the enormous stakes and premise of the show. It would be like if every episode were more like Fly or Open House -- full-on "build-up." Sure, they kind of exposed some things about characters, relied on nice dialogue, and were enjoyable and refreshingly different in their own right, but nothing actually happened that was resolved. I could pick any random BB episode and point out tons of sub-plots that were created and resolved often in one episode successfully, but part of that is the stakes were higher in general. Slowness works when there is tension, and there's just not the right level of dramatic tension in this show right now. At any moment Walt could slip up and he could get caught, effectively ending his whole life. Thus they could have a scene of Hank helping him carry a bag out and make it extremely tense.

In BCS, they literally stretched out quitting a job that he stated he wanted no part of over 7 episodes--quitting a job he was doomed at and vowed to never do! Now compare that to BB and it's not even close. I'm not saying it's not well-done or pleasant to watch, but it needs to raise the stakes a little more when we already know the stakes can be so much higher. So how do you raise the stakes? Simple, bring in Gus in the natural way I spoke of, and everyone is happy.

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