Better To Die Fighting

Finn Stats: Stat|Amount :-------------:|:---------------------: Stamina|75 Strength|92 Speed|78 Dexterity|66 Will|70 Total|381

Lieutenant Snyder Stats: Stat|Amount :-------------:|:---------------------: Stamina|50 Strength|50 Speed|70 Dexterity|60 Will|60 Total|300?

"What do you think you're doing!?" shouted a man behind Finn in a deep voice, making Finn jump. He was only in the process of putting on the mans coat when he was interrupted. Turning he saw a large man, and knowing full well he wasn't going to be able to talk himself out of this. He readied his scythe before saying, "Well you see, I was just getting ready to ambush a bunch of stupid marines," Finn hoped he would cause the man to lash out angrily and let his guard down. This will be over in one attack, Finn thought to himself, grinning wide. However to Finn's surprise, the man just laughed at his remark, "You trying to taunt me? Think a marine lieutenant would lose his cool so easily?" he boomed. Crap, I really had hoped that would work, Finn thought, and then responded, "Oh a lieutenant? Well lucky me, after I beat you there will be one less lieutenant to stand against the revolutionaries..." and with the Finn brandished his scythe in one hand, and coated his other fist with his special toxin.

Suddenly chains errupted from the lieutenant's hands, Finn quickly swung his scythe down and knocked two away. However the other two chains wrapped around Finn's scythe hand, and Snyder launched himself forward. Using his chains to pull himself at Finn, Snyder closed the distance in a moment, and readied his opposite fist for a heavy punch. He was fast, but Finn was still faster. Seeing this fist on it's way towards his face, Finn swiftly spun himself around and grabbed the chains with both hands and whipped Snyder down onto the ground. "You're very fast, however I could see your attack coming easily," Finn taunted, forming a large grin on his face. Clearly the lieutenant wasn't going to be defeated so simply, so Finn untangled his hand and picked up his scythe from where he had dropped it. Glancing away from Snyder was Finn's first, and would be his only, mistake. Finn looked back to where Snyder was, however his eyes grew wide as the man was gone. Shit... I only looked away for a secon... Finn's thoughts were cut short as he took a hard kick to his side. "Damn, you are one fast man..." Finn grimaced as he jumped back, making some distance between them. "Well I guess it's time for me to go all out," Finn stated.

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