Better or worse?

I was in karate, football, baseball, hockey etc. as a kid, I had a 6 pack. It's now a gut, but it whatever lol I'm old now.

Just be into sports, athletics etc. was all it took. I never went to a gym.

Women aren't looking for 'beefcake', the most appealing is toned like Brad Pitt in Fight Club, which is just going to a gym, being in shape etc.

Most popular romance novels

Note, there are very few with people on the covers at all.

It's all still stark contrast to what's in games, because games are predominantly male demographic still.

Again, it's just marketing. Whatever sells, they'll do it.

Axe didn't stop putting bikini women in their stuff cause it didn't work, they did it because of public pressure. Same for beer commercials, everything. I'm sure if they had their way without backlash, they'd all still be doing it, cause it works.

Think how much stupid shit guys do to try and get laid. In marketing, it's like taking candy from a baby.

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