That in between place

This might sound harsh and it might sound haughty - please, I don't mean it to sound that way - I'm just being REAL. This is more a commentary on the changing attitudes of society about adultery than about MY SITUATION specifically - so please keep that in mind before passing judgement and labeling me an EVIL PERSON. What I mean by that is - YES - adultery has always existed... but never before as a society have we made it more SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE and actually EMBRACED IT. All one needs to do is take a look in the media, listen to song lyrics, peruse the content of popular movies and TV shoes, consider the existence of sites like AM... the "adultery" section in reddit... What about the "no fault" divorce laws? It's all right there in our faces: the idea that we are ENTITLED to be HAPPY (& possibly at the expense of all else).

I think the reason SOME OF US don't leave... is because we SIMPLY DON'T HAVE TO. I can keep my handsome husband, my family, my cushy life, the envy of "others" who look in from the outside and think that my life and marriage are "PERFECT" and have the respect of "yet others" who believe I have "fought the good fight" and SAVED my marriage and family from complete and utter DESTRUCTION caused by my husband for all of HIS YEARS of cheating. I mean, I'm a FREAKING SAINT. I can have ALL THAT and my AP... because... that's the way a large portion of society thinks and operates. The "goose and gander rule" applies. If anyone did find out, WHO would blame me? My husband would be a hypocrite if he did not forgive ME. I could go on. and. on.

I am cheating instead of leaving because I CAN. If this wasn't so FREAKING EASY I would have either left my husband by now, or I would have decided to SUCK IT UP and make the best of it.

/r/adultery Thread