Between you and your partner, which of you needs alone time more? Does it ever cause conflict?

I'm not in a relationship right now, but generally I always need more alone time, both physically and emotionally.

This has been a problem. A guy I dated for three years kinda understood, but he said when I didn't text him for a few days while he was away on work travel he wondered if I even liked him. We found a good middle ground.

On the flip side, I also dated a guy who was probably more avoidant than I am in relationships. That was kinda cool; I got a taste of my own medicine in a way. I didn't mind chilling with him because it was low key stuff like watching movies, listening to music, or playing video games.

Recently, I met a fantastic human, but he binge drinks every weekend. He told me he loved me when he was super drunk. He's sweet and has amazing qualities, but I'm beginning to see he's a bit clingy and insecure. He invites himself to activities I want to do alone. He feels offended when I tell him I just need to do things alone or don't want to plan more than a month in advance. I'm probably not going to see him again because I need my space, and he doesn't get that this trait of mine has nothing to do with him.

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