Bez Jacka - Saskia

This song was dedicated to one of my birthdays. It goes like this:

Music is my homeland, and you are like a mellow note, with which after years one can come back to the music like to home. And dont be scared Saskia, because I can need you so much that only to death, but I wont give you to anyone else. And if all the heavens and all Serafins that are in them I will beg by my scream of longing, so your grace would become, if I say to you more, that you are more than rubies, I will ask you only for one thing, dont be so arrogant. Saskia, whatever will happen, you will become a golden sky in a myth, because its written by the fire on the wall that noone will love you more than me. So reach for the eternity Saskia, as you would reach for a big red apple. Apple, emerald will perish, as a mosquito sounds a guitar, but I will close it into a book. Please, smile for me Saskia.

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