BF (20M) expresses bottled up feelings towards me (18F)... heartbreak(?)

Thank you for your response ! Yeah I was so taken aback to the point that I continued to ask him what was wrong with him. I know that’s not the best thing to say but I meant it. The things he was saying were just straight f’d up you know? This may have been because he was just so angry but he almost sounded proud of the things he was saying. I didn’t feel like a person before him during this time. I’m just disheartened, very sad. He still has yet to apologize or even mention anything. But he’s been trying to talk to me normally all day. I will take your advice in distancing myself from him for now. Not sure if that’ll be temporary or not but it’s time that I demand respect for myself I think. If I don’t give into him and just let it go I think he’ll know what’s wrong.

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