Biden Caught Lying Six Times During Last Night’s Debate

Bernie's entire argument is that, 'yes Joe, you came around finally and I'm glad you did, but you're never ahead of the curve.' It's not about refusing to change.

So the serious question here everyone needs to ask themselves is if they believe what Bernie Sanders says about Joe Biden or not?

And cherry picking with Bernie is a bit silly in my book. I'm all in with him, and I'll follow his lead however it goes. And if that's with him or with Biden as he pushes Biden to be more progressive, I'll do what he asks.

Will everyone else here pack up because, "people can't change!" ? I get the Hillary hate, she turned a blind eye to Bernie Sander's supporters very carelessly and then dipped out of the public view so she could avoid criticism. Bernie Sander's is have a much better discord with Joe...

Hell, I lived through Ellen coming out on TV, getting fired, and everyone moving on a day later. Society has changed, and society is the people... not some mythical thing. I used to think gay marriage should be illegal when I was younger. I used to think that women shouldn't get equal pay, they had to earn it! Social Security should be removed, let old people live off the money they earned! Just like me!

I'm not that person anymore, thanks to the hard work of people like Bernie. And Joe isn't the person he was, also thanks to Bernie. So if you think he's going to enter the white house and guy SS you also think that Bernie is a Castro sympathizer. You can't pick and choose there.

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