Biden says the US will no longer roll over for Putin. Worldnews reacts. Is Biden a war hawk? Was Trump a better president because of his diplomacy?

Don't just link the entire fucking post . You didn't even do it by best . Its getting annoying . Where is our regular guy ALDO113A ? And there are so many more threads and you have to choose one of the smallest ones .Its fine i'll do it .

the post by controversial

reveddit to see deleted comments . Very less as of now so though .

So there two countries of contention for people . Them being :-

A) Russia

i) That Biden is overdoing it .

Welp here we go. Cyclical democratic war. Glad they found Biden for this “fearless” photo. Looks like he’s trying to figure out if the Orange he’s looking at is actually an Apple. We weren’t rolling over about anything anyway. Diplomacy was good between the two nations under the last presidency.

ii) That Biden is a spineless coward as he stood aside as a VP and didn't do anything while Russia annexed crimea .

Wait, wasn’t he the VP when the US stood by and did nothing when Russia invaded the Crimean 2014?

Another thread on same topic , but little drama .

iii) And a downvote brigade from conservatives as clear as day when trump is called out .

That's a fine choice Joe Biden as Trump was in Russia pocket for to long. ( Somebody explain what he said ) (-35)

Didn’t the four year long investigation prove the opposite though? (+36)

Use literally an ounce of common sense.

Trump shat on everyone EXCEPT Putin. It was obvious he was subservient.(-22)

B) China ( I mean who wouldn't expect China to show up in this . And contrary to the title of the post , most of the comments are about china .

i) Stand up to China and Turkey too you geriatric bitch

ii) Fake tough guy joe has already submitted into China let’s see some action here before we crown Biden anything

iii) Instead he bows down to China

Put some effort in the post goddamit .

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Link -