This is the dumbest metaphor I've ever heard. Every immigrant who illegally enters in this country, there's a good chance you'll never meet them. Its more identical to a bird flying behind your backyard than breaking into your house. Them living here, hardly impacts you. And you're undermining REAL battery and assault tragedies whenever you say stuff like this.
Statistically speaking, immigrants don't commit more crimes than average Americans. In fact, immigrants commit LESS crimes than native-born Americans. Which means the guy more likely to break into your house, is going to be more likely an American than a refugee immigrant.
What annoys the heck out of me is how people who have no statistics to back up their claims, make up false analogy fallacies to apply reasoning to unrelated stories. Its making up a fairy tail to get people emotionally charged, because they lack FACTS AND LOGIC to back up any reasoning of their ideas.
Here's my own analogy; "Stopping an immigrant from coming to America, is like shooting them at a moat and leaving them for dead at the border" - Which has happened on a few occasions
"Illegal immigrants need to be treated like horses. Round them up, and keep them in cages." - we tried that
"Immigrants are like dogs. If we punish them from entering, they won't enter anymore!" - that didn't work
"Immigrants are like a batch of apples. One bad apple will ruin the whole basket!" - this was literally used to justify turning away Jewish refugees during the holocaust
See the problem here? The analogies are designed to give baseless, emotionally fueled, preppy stories, which carry no basis in reality, and serves to justify a narrative that lacks any statistically provable solution.