Why Big Business support the left

One of your best videos in my opinion. Thank you. Ironically, I find your explanation very comforting because for the long time I was asking myself the same question - why the big business tend to side with the Left? It seemed so irrational. And the only conclusion I could came up with was big international conspiracy. You made many valid and rational points - corporations want more political influence and more regulations and at the same time less competition. Leftists provide them with all the control they want, ergo: they form an aliance. So the world seems a bit less scary for me now. You didn't resolve all of my doubts though. I still don't understand why corporations are madly virtue signaling even if it hurts then financially. You said that in the end profit is the king, yet it sometimes feels like they just don't care. Comics industry lose readership when they push leftist agendas, TV corporations lose viewership, markets alienate clients who dont want to share bathrooms, sport clubs lose fans etc. Its like they care more for propaganda than their profits. Seriously, the world where billionaires and megacorporations stand up and fight for virtues is too surreal to believe. The other problem is immigration and race issues. Im not convinced with simple - politicians want votes and business wants cheap labour. Not at the cost of destabilizing entire society.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - youtube.com