The Big Crunch - Emotional needs and the demands of capital in "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided"

"For all Mankind Divided‘s gesturing at the influence of global forces on human society, its attempts at critique are muffled by the individualism inherent to allowing player choice at scale, and the both-sidesism required to make these decisions seem difficult and complex. These heroic ideals infect the wider culture: videogames are important and powerful, a medium for change, the most up-to-date mode of expression and meaning. All this is to ignore the influence of context: Mankind Divided puts the fate of the world in Adam Jensen’s hands (of course, he never asked for it), without ever interrogating his position as a hyper-expensive cyborg working at Interpol."

The way that Mankind Divided handled social justice issues was also shameful. It erased the issues of the present, then copy pasted them into the speculative future and made them all about the plight of expensive cyborgs.

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