Big flaw of duolingo (my opinion, u can think otherwise)

It's more and more getting turned into a translation based game instead of actually teaching a language, and that's probably because it's what they've been praised for in the media and what (they think) they do best. Duolingo excels in getting people interested in taking a language course and motivating them to keep going, and that's because they keep it accessible and make a game of it. Many people who finish a course, want to stick around for more, and take on one or a few other languages. That's all about day streaks, virtual achievements and competitions. Many are with duolingo for over two years and others try to reach the same duolingo level, but there isn't a single course on the app that teaches you more than others can teach you in three months to maximum a year of studying the language. It's more important to make it 'doable' and give people a sense of achievement because, especially with recent developments on the web, it's getting hard to beat the competition in interactively teaching a language at a higher level. Those who are interested and motivated by themselves to learn a language might benefit from duolingo as an introduction to it, but they're the ones who will soon find an alternative that makes them reach their goals faster and more effectively. The ones who stay are those who (actually) just want to play around with it, and use duolingo as a way to fill their time and because it gives them a sense of being productive. It's great that duolingo gets the masses interested and motivated to pick up one or more languages, but that's what they do well, and it's not a means to reaching a higher level than any other method that's available. Those who don't require the extra motivation will find better means before they finish one of the courses while others become a duolingo fan and stick around for the game that gives them a sense of achievement. Duolingo is a themed brain training game and they know who will pay for it and who won't. They're working on improving what they do well and offering an even better experience. Even if you're not one of those who stick around for years, it can still be a starting point for learning a language. Don't be disappointed when you notice that there are better means for you. They still got you started, and gave you a basis that makes it easier to decide on the next step.

/r/duolingo Thread