Big N Discussion - November 17, 2019

I recently got an offer for a new grad SWE position at Amazon Cambridge, MA. I couldn't find much info about the office at this location, so I thought to ask.

What kind of work do teams at this office do? My offer states that I won't know my team until 60 days before I start (kind of a bummer tbh). I'm interested in robotics and ML, and I know that Amazon Robotics is in the area, but being placed there doesn't seem to be a guarantee.

How does working at this office compare to Seattle HQ? I've heard some good things and some bad things about working at Amazon and I'm curious if the culture is the same across the country or different based on location. That being said, I don't mind putting in the work.

Do Amazon employees ever leave their job to go back to school? Cambridge has MIT, so it would be really awesome to attend grad school there.

How affordable is an apartment? Do people mainly live in Cambridge or do they commute in using the train?

Appreciate the help!

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