Big Oof

I have size 15,5 or size 50 feet as a male...

And I'm 2m04 or 6'7" but I'm old, grey and happily married :)

If I want to buy shoes I go to Wessels. They make shoes for people with big (!) feet, also for women. Unfortunately they are in Germany, close to the Dutch-German Border. You could check if they export to where ever you live?

They start at size 12,5 for men and at size 10,5 for woman

The biggest shoe sizes available in store are size 63 (say about 24) for men and 55 (say about size 18) for women.

You could check.

Maybe it will put your mind at rest...

I do know how it feels not to be able to buy shoes you'd like, they normally have quite an assortment, however they are closed 2 full months a year and februari is one of those 2.

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