Big Pharma’s Adderall Is Basically Crystal Meth, Says Dr. Carl Hart

(Due to abuse my memory is pretty bad with specifics with dates/ages but here ya go) I went to a state run doctors office / health center since I was 16. When I was 21 my doctor changed to Tory Westbrook (google him - I'm one of the unidentified women). I was young and pretty at the time, incredibly naive and basically clueless. I was already on a small dose of adderall due to adhd. Doctor, right from the start would take my heart rate by straight up holding a to try in his hands, no gloves, bare hands, awkward. But hey, I had big boobs so to get my heart rate I guess you had to move them. Anyway, he started this the first day I met him, so I thought he was just unorthodox / right? Why would anyone throw away years of school and money to do be a pervert? Well, it got worse. He would up my meds, eventually somewhere around 6 addy 30's a day, and 6 or so Xanax. I wasn't a saint either, I knew that was a lot but he was a doctor and well, I trusted him. Plus I loved how it made me feel. I love how it made me do all this work and work hard and do the best work I've ever done in my life (mind you, I was the only one who thought this / in reality I was a train wreck, half completing everything , always babbling , always high - a complete mess). I would run out early of the drugs, since he would tell me to just come back to him and he'd write me a new script - and then override the insurance at the pharmacy by changing the dose from 20 to 23, etc. I guess that was the loophole. So every week, if be getting another 90 addy 30s. The Sam thing happened with Xanax. I was super skinny, super unhealthy. I smoked a lot of weed at night to be able to not shake/throw up/ eat ..Lost my job. Lost my friends. Lost my significant other. Eventually realized doctor was a pervert when he was checking my heart rate, and pulled on my nipple ring and had asked me if it hurt, I had said back to him hastily and moving myself away from him as "you're a doctor. Wouldn't you know if it hurts or not?".. Then I just remember him piss testing me for marijuana, (after it was on my file that I had to smoke to be able to eat due to the amount of shit I was on - ) and anyway he piss tested me, then when I needed a refill he said no that I tested for marijuana, which was known - couldn't get my drugs - I flipped out / wrote a scathing letter to the people who worked in the higher ups at that office - anyway, I guess the fbi was watching him at that point, and he piss tested me because he wanted to cover his ass. Also he also tried to put me in oxy : pain management because my kidneys are hurting so bad / lower side back / but I refused because I already knew I was addicted to the other shit and I couldn't afford mentally to be addicted to another thing . For a while I hated myself for not saying anything sooner. I tried to kill myself. Became a recluse. Got fat. PTSD. Lost everything. But, it made me realize that shit happens and you have to fucking get better and get your life back. It's been a long, hard journey but nothing is better than being able to wake up in the morning and be happy to be alive, to look forward to getting out of bed and moving on with my life. To have other goals other than "try to get out of bed today" "try not to kill yourself" "try to shower" crying at the idea that my brain isn't able to function normally anymore, that I couldn't even put on clothes for several months recuperating from those drugs.Anyway, he's InJail now. He was a pervert. He did this to over 50 people. Mentally handicapped as well. Got people hooked on drugs to fuck them/molest them. He was sleeping with the head director of the office and everyone in there so when complaints were made they'd ignore it because they were sleeping with him. Oh, and his wife was the head judge of new haven (big city in ct) and the day he went to court she served him papers. Fuck that dude. And I'm doing better now, though every day is hard it's getting better. I'm treating now with medicinal marijuana - it saved my life. I'm looking to open up a quaint country store in Vermont one day and become a medical caregiver so I can help save other people's lives as well. Haha sorry, I typed this all on a phone and I'm sure it's all over the place, so I guess a tl:dr:

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