Big Tech’s COVID info suppression. Pragmatic harm reduction, or $$$ for people’s lives?

And yet again your copy pasta. Of course /r/apple will laugh at you for mistaking them with

Your unhinged and manic posting, your constant repeating yourself are tiring. I’m well aware of the threat you are trying to create awareness for; if you ever took the time to process what others are trying to convey to you, you might notice that your behaviour is exactly creating the opposite effect. You are helping those that might be actually trying to manipulate public opinion by desensitizing any interested audience.

Get rid if this embarrassing apple post, stop annoying subs that clearly do not want to be bothered. Create a website, multiple websites and let the facts speak for themselves. Nobody that has a look at your post history from either account will take anything you post seriously. Don’t you realize that?

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