Biker to the rescue. I flare it NSFW, there's no gore, violence nor nudity, but you see person in the middle of suicide. And you see a lot of people not reacting at all.

This is something that has always bothered me. When I was in Thailand, I went to this giant beach party. I was having a good time and watching this guy who was obviously way gone. He could have been on shrooms, acid, whatever, but he was really out of it and could barely stand. He started taking off all his clothes and got down to his underwear and everybody was watching him and laughing. But then he started walking towards the water.

Mind you it is pitch black, and the beach we were on was SUPER rocky and sharp. It had a lot of banks that dropped off pretty close to the shore. So I'm watching this guy as he approaches the water, but instead of stopping at the first few feet of water he just keeps going, and going, and going...and I'm thinking, "This motherfucker is gonna die." I can hardly see him, and while everyone is watching NOBODY is getting up to go get this dude. He could barely walk on the sand, so I can guarantee he can't fucking swim right now.

My problem was I had just gotten into a motorcycle accident a couple days prior, and I had some pretty deep cuts on my legs and arms. I wasn't supposed to go in the ocean for 2 weeks, but no one is fucking helping this guy. Also I'm a tiny 5'4" girl and the guy is like over 6' tall. But I'm like, "Fuck it, I'm not going to watch this guy die right now." So I run out to get him, barely seeing his head above water, finally reach a point where I can't touch the ground, my cuts are stinging, but he's only a few feet away, and not having to swim yet so he's tall enough to stand.

He doesn't even know I'm there he just looks spaced out, and I start yelling at him and he finally sees me, and I just start trying to convince him to come back, saying "his friend" was looking for him, and whatever I think this high dude wants to hear. He finally comes with me, but when we get back I'm just pissed that no one else fucking tried to do anything about it. Like what the fuck is going through people's minds because the only thing I could think about was somebody needs to help this guy.

TLDR; Super high dude tries going deep into super rocky ocean at night, and no one else except the super tiny, injured chick tries to help him.

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