Billionaires May Pose the Single Greatest Threat to American Democracy

None of the things you listed in your other post were given out for free, they are, as you mentioned here, bought/purchased by us poors.

But it’s not so much “I’m poor u aren’t so gimme” rather, if you, as a business owner, want your business to prosper then you need people to purchase your goods. We, the consumers, cannot purchase said goods if we don’t have the means to do so.

Inequality motivates us to do more, but when people put in the effort, yet still struggle to provide the necessities for themselves and their families, the entire system then loses.

There is a balance to be maintained; inequality must be mitigated sufficiently enough so to allow spending, but not so much that it discourages effort.

But not only does inequality threaten our economy, it also threatens our democracy.

Large concentrations of wealth exist in a country where politicians can be bought, no further explanation needed. Earlier you spoke of opportunity, tell me, how can opportunity continue to exist when individuals are paying to prevent it?

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