I've had this problem SO many times at Seneca, few times at York. But at S@Y we have waaay more labs.

It's truly a learning experience, and something you should EXPECT TO HAPPEN again and again! Science is based on presumed cause and effect relationships, but we are fallible, our equipment and techniques are fallible. We have to accommodate for variability in specimens.

When your data goes wrong, even if you're performing simple procedures, what you need to do is discuss where that error is possibly coming from. Why might your results have happened? One time, our whole class didn't get a certain band on our agarose, no one had properly isolated both the CCC plasmid and the cut out gene fragment. After extensive investigation, one of our reagents wasn't diluted enough. Another time and different experiment, a reagent had expired. A very important part of scientific research is being able to identify possible sources of error. Good luck and I hope this helped in any way

/r/yorku Thread