BIRDS OF PREY – Official Trailer 2

Saying she doesn’t look like a whore doesn’t create a conflict with also saying that whores don’t have a predetermined way of dressing.

Yes it does. If you cannot identify what a whore looks like, you cannot claim she isn't dressed like one.

If you claim whores don't have a predetermined way of dressing, then she can legitimately be stated to be dressed like a whore no matter her attire.

I understand the term whore upsets you, based on your 20 or so posts on the subject, however they're mutually exclusive concepts. You cannot claim whores can dress in any manner and also claim she doesn't look like one.

But someone with reading comprehension skills could easily read what I’ve written so far and see nowhere was any criticism about QUALITY a subject of discussion. Again, props for trying but no.

Coming from a person incapable of understanding two mutually exclusive statements, this means a great deal.

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