Bitcoin Cash _is_ Bitcoin - Clarify This to the Community to Stay Decentralized

Can I ask why the goal appears to be destroy BTC, destroy the BTC brand and wipe away billions of dollars from people who believed in BTC and invested in it?

Cause that is exactly what is happening here (not just this post but a general sub thing based on my perception).

I base this on the fact that when you tell people their 5k coins are worth shit, but the $700 is the real coin you devalue it for both.

Additonally, I would assume that BCC owners were also BTC owners, so making sure both moon would be paramount, but its not, so you either flipped to early or the emotional investment was so high you don't care about BTC value, which in turn devalues BCC.

And the way I see it, BCC and BTC can and should both exist, but BCC is a user activated fork, and right or wrong, you don't get to take the name with you.

The market has already decided that.

What BCC can do though, is leverage the brand and demonstrate the value in BCC and how its different from BTC.

So everyday that more money pours in for BTC and the BCC supporters spend their time focusing on trying to takeover the BTC brand, it's another day that BCC slips backwards... and it will either become irrelevant of a etheruem classic type scenario.

But thats just my opinion, at the end of the day, the money will flow to the coin thats making the most gains, and right now thats not BCC.

/r/btc Thread