the bitcoin "crash"

It's true that not all mass transit is public transit. However, I've observed a general detest of mass transit among ancaps (myself included). So that might not help get your point across.

Since this thread is mostly BTC FUD by people who hopped on here just after watching some conspiracy theory youtube videos we might as well talk about mass transit.

I have a theory that goes as follows.

States have an easier time controlling populations that are geographically centralized. I believe this is mostly due to the States perceived value in regulating and "providing" utilities.

The State is constantly trying to brainwash its population into believing it has value. If the value of the State disappears the State will disappear.

The way the State constructs public utilities such as gas, water and electricity is to design a city and build the infrastructure in one-shot and milk it for as long as possible.

The result is that people have no choice but to live in densely populated cities. It is cost prohibitive to expand the cities rapidly because we are already taxed to pay for the public utilities. So the populations continue to expand rapidly while the cities expand vertically rather than horizontally.

Now the State has exactly what it wants. Humans packed in like sardines ready to produce value and pay taxes. We have to use its power, water and gas lines. We have to use its roads. And since we are forced to be close together, forced to consider mass transit.

It boils down to this. Mass transit is "efficient" in certain ways. But not in the ways that matter. The properties of transportation that are valuable are speed and convenience. Mass transit proponents talk about energy efficiency and emissions, two things that simply don't matter.

Contrary to popular belief, mass transit is not faster than cars. Its only faster than cars in cities that were designed intentionally for mass transit.

Where I live (Troy, MI) the average commute is 1/3rd the average in New York. We don't really have mass transit here. Everyone drives.

The reason the averages are so bad is because for every person lucky enough to have the mass transit drop them right off at their place of work there are two others who must walk the remaining distance. This can sometimes be miles and during the winter they walk that distance in the snow.

It has been proven beyond a doubt that population density and happiness are inversely proportional. The only place on Earth with a profitable mass transit system also has the highest debt per capita, cultural collectivism and high suicide rates. Is that really something we should aspire to?

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