Black car tried to pick up my daughter

look it up. And then go make me a sandwich.

No you get to look it up. You can't just say "source: Google it." There is no world in which anecdotal googling is a valid source in an argument.

Also "go make me a sandwich." Is a really, really stupid way to try to insult someone. You might as well say "I'm trying to to insult you, random (presumed female) person on the Internet. However I lack any creativity in my language, and also the ability to Google a better insult. I am instead supremely lazy as you should be able to tell by me expecting you to not only do my research for me, but also prepare my lunch like something out of a 1950s sitcom. This is perfectly clear to me, however I'm less clear on why I am unable to have a woman of the opposite sex make me a sandwich in real life. In stating "go make me a sandwich" I am showing you that I am an unimaginative, bitter, jaded man who got burned by a girl in grade 9 for being a total loser, and can't seem to move past it."

But I guess that is a lot to type out on the regular. So maybe just start with learning how to Google.

/r/ottawa Thread Parent