The Black Hebrew Israelites, the racist black supremacists that were hurling insults at Native Americans and White teenagers at the “March for Life”

I'm a white social activist. Doesn't that just sound silly. We're just humans. I'm a whitivist. Smh.

When I go to a gathering intended to organize and campaign for human civil rights, I could give a fuck less what color you are, same I could give a fuck less what your SAT scores were. It comes off as juvenile to have thst as your primary distinguishing characteristic. Just saying, as an aging 20 something who spent his formative years going to protests, marches, and demonstrations of all sorts on them skreets, yall types annoy me, and a big part of why I have lost identity with most social justice movements.

I partook in many of the BLM walks and highway shutdowns, just because I was young and hopeful, but honestly I wouldn't anymore considering how it just divides communities more than anything else.

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