Black lawmakers blast plans for monument to Justice Thomas

The problem is that reason and rationality is rarely on the forefront of issues related to politics, race and history

I mean, it can just be reason and rationality you disagree with. both pro and anti statue topplers are largely internally consistent.

If anythign it's more consistent and logically for the BLM/antifa/whatever to not only critise Confederates, but to go a step further - you can disagree, but i don't think it's a contradiction on beliefs.

And the offending statues include former Presidents, abolitionist heroes, black leaders, greatest American president

That's the minority of statue removals, the (i dare say vast) majoirty are much more reasonable.

Like, is there any partiucaly reasoin to have a statue of a general whose only contribution to history was revolting to keep black peopple enslaved? probably not, i doubt removing that is going to make anyone forget the civl war happened.

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