Black Lives Matter co-founder tweets about killing "men and white folks"

Damn. See, I don't know how I feel about this. I think violence is never acceptable unless you're acting in self-defense and it should be avoided whenever possible. I also think generally most cops are nice and want to help and aren't racist, but there are a few. So I don't think he's right by saying this at all.

However, I can't say I don't understand why this guy feels like this. I see everyday something on the news about another cop abusing their power, committing police brutality, shooting an unarmed kid, teen, parent, etc. And they aren't only murdering and harassing black citizens either. Anyone can be a victim. That 10% of police officers, that are awful human beings, seem to be getting more and more crazy.

Its clear we need a revolution, because nothing and nobody else is stopping it. The justice system has failed the American people time and time again. Want to know why we're seeing more officers being killed and why violent protests and riots are occurring more often? Because people are fed up. It's the beginning of a revolution.

Some will say violent protesting is wrong and does more harm than good and we should peacefully protest. Violent protests and actions have made this country what it is. Every revolution was violent. We brutally murdered British Red Coats and displayed their corpse publicly to warn the British we're feed and not taking your shit. We wouldn't have gained independence from Britain had we been peaceful protesting.

Now we figure out how many more unarmed, non-hostile, compliant Americans are going to be slaughtered by cops before people start treating our police like the British Red Coats and start picking them off to show other cops that we won't tolerate their shit and if they continue they'll be slaughtered.

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