Black man harasses Indian shop-owner for not having black workers. "I hate these motherfucking Indian motherfuckers."

Focus in the USA generally the Caucasian countries are look down for being pale

Sweet jesus son have you even ever spend time with white people before? Matter of fact is this your first time on Reddit? Google "GINGERS" and prepare to have your worldview about white people not being discriminatory against pale people blown apart. White people make fun of each other for being pale all the time. You're either purposely being ignorant or you really have very very minimal life experience and interactions with cultures other than your own. Yes I've seen both the ads on the wedding website and the creams you're talking about, let me say you are massively and ridiculously reading too much into the advertising. Fair skin is a universally agreed upon standard for beauty. Whether you are Indian, African, Arab, Caucasian, or Asian all of these cultures have a somewhat agreed upon standard of Beauty. Usually it is a slim, fairer skin women with ample breasts and perfect dimensions on her face. This is extremely common in or cultures fair skinned Arab women are considered more beautiful than darker skinned Arab women, fair skinned Asian women are considered more beautiful than darker skinned Asian women and in both African and African American cultures fairer skin is associated with being more attractive, more intelligent and having a greater chance at success. Alicia Keys, Paula Patton, Halle Berry, Mya, Beyonce etc etc etc the common theme is these are lighter women on the scale and even in their own Society as they are held up as the most beautiful "black" women. Indians don't have some exclusive obsession with wanting to be white, some of them just don't want to be with someone they don't find attractive or would feel more attractive themselves being fairer. End of story. There is no Conspiracy of self loathing and wanting to be white.

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