Black men are more priveleged, not less, especially when it comes to dating.

Hey man, I'm in a similar position too. What he means by "coming to terms with things" is simply accepting the reality you've resigned yourself to and carving out your own corner. I'm now working a nightwatchman job from home and earn not a lot but enough support the lifestyle I'm content with growing old and dying in.

You've got the cynicism down, your issue is that you're still trying to combat it with idealism and preconceptions instead of embracing it as reality. Recognize that ultimately we're all equally worthless (RIP R. Lee) instead of feeling down that a society of equally worthless people won't put you on a meaningless pedestal like they do for other meaningless individuals.

That and masturbate more, or see a sex worker. If you place that much personal stake on it you'll need to incorporate it somehow and getting over the sex worker stigma is a lot easier once you realise you're just a worthless person worrying about what other meaningless people say about you.

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