Black Woman Destroys White Privilege Myth

It isn’t though. It is based on statistics. It is based on data. Data then shows what is going on. Do you ignite the weather forecast? Do you ignore when your kid is 5 years old and not developing on target? Do you ignite numbers in bloodwork that day your blood sugar is high? It isn’t identity that determines nor opinion what is going on. The far right is getting good and telling people to if ignore facts instead of seeing them and asking why? And I’ll leave you with this. Different people have different privileges. The rich do. White people do. People with citizenship do. People with higher intelligence do. Being white doesn’t mean you are rich nor intelligent nor better off than anyone. It just means that when you get stopped by a cop, walk into a store, or walk behind a woman at night in an unlit part of the street, you may be at a lesser chance getting shot, reported, killed, arrested or even at least feared. It also means you eat more money than the guy of color next to you, the woman. It also means to gay men make more money on average than two gay women due to pay inequity. When you look at the weather, the sun and the clouds and the earth’s position in space at that moment and tell them you don’t believe their identity and you’ll choose your weather today.

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