Blackface Leads to Fraternity Suspension at Cal Poly

I didn't call her a liar - just that I doubt the claim. I mean, it's quite amazing. Of all the conversations in life I've had... of all the people I've met and all the stories I've heard of this random racist thing happening or that... I've literally never met a single person that has had people actively telling them how disgusting their skin is for their entire life.

Maybe it's true - maybe they were the only black family in Klansville and every day on the way home from school, rednecks would tell her how dirty she looked. This happened for her entire life. Definitely possible.

Or maybe she's exaggerating life experience because she's talking at a town hall and it sounds more powerful. Definitely possible too.

Feel free to believe everything you hear in life. I think skepticism in life is healthy, and I'm certainly not going to believe some people over others solely for the color of their skin. That'd be racist.

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