BlackRock Paris headquarters taken over by protesters

37 here and feel the same way but with my back. Got hurt on the job (3 blown out discs and 2 hernias), doc put me on restricted work, "discharged" from the job exactly 1 week before I could have qualified for FMLA. It was the best paying job I ever had but it has a hard job, too hard for my back apparently.

So I'm sued the company's insurance, settlement is at the end of this month, but because I'm in FL and the laws around workers comp are so sooo screwed I'll be lucky to get enough to cover my medical bills. Can't sue in FL for pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, etc.

Not to mention I have to learn how to do something else starting from the bottom, because I will never be able to do the kind of work I was doing ever again.

By the end of the day I can hardly walk.

You're not alone. We're probably fucked.

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