Blake Griffin's response

I don't hate anyrhing. It's a waste of emotional energy.

You used the word first, I was just being facetious. I agree though for what it's worth.

Can you get out of your own box for a second and realize that sometimes friends do solve problems through physical altercations?

I never said they didn't. Again, you are just kind of making things up as you go.

How the he'll do you think the world works?


I'm assuming you're from the western world, which by the way solves all sorts of problems through violence.

Yes I am. Yes they do.

which by the way solves all sorts of problems through violence. (Syria)

Oh yeah, those "solutions" have really panned out for us in the Middle East haven't they?

Just because you and your friends are more "evolved" than us cavemen doesn't make you better.

You sure are assuming a lot.

Growing up, me and my friends would fight pretty often. It's not even an class thing (parents were rich). It's just how we expressed ourselves and resolved conflicts. It's much better than harboring passive aggresive feelings and grudges against each other that were hidden for an amount of time.

I used to be pretty mean to my siblings, we would fight and get angry and do all the same stuff you are talking about, but it didn't solve anything. If anything it created more passive aggressive feelings and anger over time.

As it turns out, the way we "solved" our conflicts caused much more pain than the things we fought about did. I don't know what country you live in, but nobody likes to be physically or mentally hurt. (maybe sadists)

You know what's better than "solving" problems with violence? Solving them with empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. That's the truth, and it's where we need to go as a species if we would like to keep our little planet.

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