Blame China: Beijing is successfully avoiding culpability for its role in spreading the coronavirus: Opinion

I was traveling when the ama went down. I was a mod but I wasn't on for about 4 weeks. You can check my profile, I don't delete anything. I'm not defending them, I just know how things work on the other side. "Chinese owners" They own like 3% That's like you or I having stock in Coke and "telling" them how to run things. It doesn't make sense to use that in a debate. I understand it feels like straight-up censorship.

I wish it was that big a deal that Governments were involved. Dude, it was 3 shitty people with 3 shitty personality problems, got in an argument about who was in charge.

They're more scientists involved now so the whole sub changed.

Hey, I just stopped to shed some light. I think we're on the same page just check my posts. Cheers

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