Blizzard Implementing Massive Redesigns and Unit Changes in Sc2 Post Blizzcon

Ok so ill make a few concessions first. One, holy shit I need to spell check and grammar check more. Two, yea heros isn't a great comeback story. But what made it stick out in my mind is all you have to do is give people cosmetics and that WILL bring people back. But I also think broodwar is a terrible example. That is a hype train. It was released a week ago, most of the people streaming it are either korean or sc2 players either revisiting their old flame, trying an old classic or simply riding that hype train. On top of that the event that had 30k concurrence tournament was hosted by some of the most well known and influential people in esports, and they were unfiltered so they were allowed to show the best and funniest parts of their personality. So ofc people are gonna flock to bw. Its feels new, its shiny, and people get to revisit a fantastic game again. And yea there are a lot of people who are simply too bitter from the massive fuck ups blizzard made before. And I would have agreed with you up until last night when the leaks happened. Cause now on top of the community shifting from this obnoxious, elitist, unconfident shit hole, to something inviting and positive, blizzard changed too. Their goal isn't esports anymore and they pretty much proved that with this patch. They aren't trying to make an explosive interesting to watch game, they are trying to make a game we can plays for years to come. So I will be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if no the game didn't really grow at all. But it also wouldn't surprise me if blizzard redesigning the economy, units, and even removing something people have hated for years, could turn some heads. Im not saying the growth would be by much, but blizzard is putting in a hell of an effort to make it more likely with this patch.

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